Ticket Zoom¶
Use this screen to see the details of a ticket. The Ticket Zoom screen is available, if you click on a ticket in any other screens.

Ticket Zoom Screen
This screen has an own menu and contains several widgets.
Article Overview¶
This widget lists all articles of the ticket in a table.

Article Overview Widget
Most of the columns are sortable by clicking on the header. Click again to change the sort order.
There are three possible colors used to mark the type of article.
- White: the article is visible for the customer user in the external interface and for agents in the agent interface.
- Red: the article is not visible for the customer user in the external interface, but it is visible for agents in the agent interface.
- Yellow: the article is a system message and the visibility can be changed in the system configuration.
This widget is not displayed in ticket timeline view.
Article Zoom¶
This widget displays the details of the article. The widget has an own menu.

Article Zoom Widget
The menu is extensible and menu items can be grouped into drop-down lists.
- Mark or Unmark
- Use this menu item to mark article as important or to remove the important flag from the article. Important articles have a red information flag in the Article Overview widget.
- This menu item opens a PDF file to show the printer friendly version of the current article. You can save or print this PDF file.
- Split
Use this menu item to split the article to an other ticket. Select the new ticket type and click on the Submit button.
Article Split Dialog
It is possible to split the article into several type of ticket.
- Email ticket
- Selecting this will open the New Email Ticket screen and fill in the fields with the current article data.
- Phone ticket
- Selecting this will open the New Phone Ticket screen and fill in the fields with the current article data.
- Process ticket
Selecting this will open the New Process Ticket screen and fill in the fields with the current article data.
This option is available only, if at least one process is deployed in the system.
- Forward
Use this menu item to forward the article via email.
Article Forward Screen
- From
- This field is read only and holds the queue address.
- To *
- This will be the To field of the email.
- Cc
- Select other customer users as carbon copy of the email, if needed.
- Bcc
- Select other customer users as blind carbon copy of the email, if needed.
You can select a customer user from OTOBO or any valid email address can be added here.
Usage of wildcards (*) is also possible. Enter two asterisks (**) to list all customer users.
- Subject *
- The subject of the ticket like the subject of an email.
- Options
- It is possible to add other objects like customer users or FAQ articles to the ticket.
- Text *
- The body text of the note to be added to the ticket.
- Attachments
- It is possible to add attachments to the ticket. Click on the field to add an attachment, or just drop some files here.
- Next ticket state
- Select an other state if you want to change it.
- Pending date
- Select a date and time as reminder for the ticket. If the pending time is reached, the ticket can be escalated.
- Visible for customer
- Define, if the note is an internal note or customer can view it.
- Time units (work units)
- Enter any amount of time units for time accounting.
- Reply
Use this menu item to compose an answer to the article via email. Reply is created from a response template set in Templates module of the administrator interface.
Compose Answer Screen
- From
- This field is read only and holds the queue address.
- To *
- This will be the To field of the email.
- Cc
- Select other customer users as carbon copy of the email, if needed.
- Bcc
- Select other customer users as blind carbon copy of the email, if needed.
You can select a customer user from OTOBO or any valid email address can be added here.
Usage of wildcards (*) is also possible. Enter two asterisks (**) to list all customer users.
- Subject *
- The subject of the ticket like the subject of an email.
- Options
- It is possible to add other objects like customer users or FAQ articles to the ticket.
- Text *
- The body text of the note to be added to the ticket.
- Attachments
- It is possible to add attachments to the ticket. Click on the field to add an attachment, or just drop some files here.
- Next ticket state
- Select an other state if you want to change it.
- Pending date
- Select a date and time as reminder for the ticket. If the pending time is reached, the ticket can be escalated.
- Visible for customer
- Define, if the note is an internal note or customer can view it.
- Time units (work units)
- Enter any amount of time units for time accounting.
Linked Objects¶
Tickets can be linked to other objects. Use this widget to see the links between the ticket and other objects.

Linked Objects Widget
New links can be added by the Link menu item of the Ticket Zoom menu. Existing links can also be managed there.
To see the linked object details, click on an entry in this widget.
See also
Change setting LinkObject::ViewMode
to Complex to display detailed information about linked objects.

Complex Linked Objects Widget
Customer Information¶
This widget contains information about the customer.

Customer Information Widget